Rotator Cuff Injury In Belleville - What To Do?

The shoulder joint is one of the most common in the human body. It can make movements in almost all directions, and thanks to this, the hand is capable of performing numerous functions, various complex tasks.
But for the whole variety of movements, not only good mobility of the joint itself is needed. You need the right muscles. And they are available. The shoulder joint is surrounded by a well-developed muscle mass that provides flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, outward and inward turns. Collectively, these muscles are called the rotator cuff. Its injuries are common enough.
With the development of diagnostic capabilities, the accumulation of experience, especially with the introduction of arthroscopy of the shoulder joint into medical practice, partial or complete ruptures of the tendons of the rotator cuff of the shoulder began to be detected much more often. Currently, this pathology is considered one of the main causes of pain syndrome and limitation of the function of the shoulder joint. Its treatment is carried out by experienced specialists, traumatologists and orthopedists.
There are several reasons for frequent damage:
- Injury to tendons from trauma (complete or partial)
- Microtrauma during sports.
- Degenerative changes in tendons, against the background of age-related changes.
- Poor blood supply: These muscles have few blood vessels.
- Congenital disorder of the development of connective tissue.
- Features of the anatomy of the scapula: in some people, its protruding processes injure the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint.
- Constant movements of large amplitude. This reason plays an especially important role in athletes and people engaged in hard physical labor.
- Some occupational hazards, taking a number of medications, including some antibiotics.
- Local administration of glucocorticosteroids
As a result of the action of various factors, degenerative changes occur in the muscles and their tendons. As a result, they gradually become thinner, lose strength, and ultimately rupture.
Degenerative changes in the muscles of the rotator cuff and their tendons manifest as pain. During the rupture, the pain intensifies, and weakness appears in the shoulder. It is difficult for the patient to raise his hand up, and sometimes he cannot do it at all. Night pains are often noted. The rupture is complete or partial, as well as isolated damage to one of the tendons, or damage to several tendons (massive ruptures) of the rotator cuff of the shoulder. According to the time of injury, acute and chronic injuries of the tendons of the shoulder's rotator cuff are distinguished. The nature and severity of manifestations and the choice of treatment methods depend on this.
With degenerative and inflammatory changes in the muscles of the rotator cuff of the shoulder, as well as, with small fresh ruptures, a course of conservative treatment is prescribed: immobilization of the limb, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, and when the pain subsides - physiotherapy exercises to restore the normal range of motion in the shoulder. With insufficient effectiveness of conservative treatment, with damage to tendons in young, active patients, with pronounced, and even more complete ruptures of the tendons, the only adequate method of treating injuries is surgical treatment.
Currently, these operations are performed arthroscopically, that is, closed, through several punctures in the joint area. Arthroscopic plastic surgery of the rotator cuff tendons is performed. At the same time, high-tech equipment and modern anchor clamps (2.5-6 mm in diameter) are used to restore the anatomy and function of the shoulder joint.
Conservative treatment consists in eliminating inflammation and pain. For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. To achieve a quick result, cortisone injections are given around the joint capsule. They do not always eliminate inflammation by 100%, but the painful sensations disappear for several months. In complex therapy, exercise therapy and physiotherapy are used. In the absence of a result and the further development of the disease, an operation is prescribed.
Surgical treatment can restore the mobility of the shoulder joint. It is advisable to perform the operation 3 months after the development of the pathology, since the best result is achieved. But you need to assess the risk and conduct an MRI or CT scan in advance, as well as a complete diagnosis of the patient's body to identify contraindications. Surgical treatment allows to eliminate concomitant pathologies, including arthrosis of the clavicular-acromial joint and impingement syndrome.
Arthroscopic surgery avoids open surgery and severe tissue damage. The arthroscope has a small diameter and allows the surgeon to assess the joint from the inside, as a clear image is transmitted through the camera to the monitor. Since the incisions during the operation are minimal, there is no severe trauma, and the person can recover faster (you can return home a few hours after the procedure).
During the operation, 5 small incisions are made around the joint capsule. All actions are carried out in an aquatic environment, so the tissues are thoroughly washed from damaged elements and blood. After complete clearing of bone growths, an anchor or bone anchor is installed to anchor the rotator cuff to the bone securely. Micro-prostheses are inserted through small incisions. They are screwed into the bone, after which a part of the torn off rotator cuff is fixed on them. Pulling to the bone is carried out using threads and interrupted sutures.
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9:30am - 1:00pm
2:30pm - 7:00pm
9:30am - 1:00pm
2:30pm - 7:00pm
9:30am - 1:00pm
2:30pm - 7:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Health & Spine Wellness Center
544 Washington Avenue
Belleville, NJ 07109